Legal notice

This Legal Warning regulates the access and use of the content provided by DOMINIO ROMANO, S.L (hereinafter DOMINIO ROMANO).

1. Ownership

In order to comply with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11th , on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is indicated below the general data of DOMINIO ROMANO:

Corporate name: DOMINIO ROMANO, S.L.U.
Commercial name: DOMINIO ROMANO
Fiscal address: Camino Los Lagares, s/n 47319 Rábano
CIF: B47490545
Mercantile Registry: Tomo 997 Folio 127 Hoja VA-13540 RRMM Valladolid

Email address:
Telephone: +34 93 890 13 99

2. Activity description is the official website of DOMINIO ROMANO and it offers the most accurate and up-to-date information about the company. It can be found content about its history, the environment in which the vineyards are located, the organic and biodynamic agriculture, the wines and cavas created by the winemakers, as well as a blog with content of interest. The user can interact with it by making reservations for winery visits, buying wines and cavas in the online shop, commenting on the products and contacting directly with the winery by online form.

3. Access and use of the website
3.1 Access

The person who accesses the website and to its respective information has the condition of User, and entails the acceptance of each and every one of the conditions set forth in this Legal Notice, as well as the provision of legal capacity to give responsibility to his own actions. Therefore, it is recommended the careful reading and understanding of it. If the user does not accept all these conditions, he will not be able to access the website, and so he will have to leave it immediately.

Moreover, it is suggested the periodic revision of the Legal Notice, since DOMINIO ROMANO has all the rights to modify this disclaimer without prior notice.

3.2 Use of the website

The user agrees to make a correct use of the website, as well as of its content, subject to both, applicable regulations and this Legal Notice.

In the event that the user has an improper use, he will respond to DOMINIO ROMANO or to third parties for any damages or prejudices that may have been caused. The company reserves the right to limit or deny the access to the users who fail to carry out with any of the general conditions or who acts against the law, the moral and the public order.

4.User rights and responsabilities

The user agrees to make appropriate use of the content and services offered on this website in accordance with the law, morality, public order and always in favor of human rights.

Unless the user has received an explicit authorization from the company, he will refrain from obtaining any type of content, such as text, graphics, images, photos, videos, software or any other type of content that may be accessible through the website.

The reproduction, modification, copying, use, distribution, commercialization or any other use of the information of the website (including the design, configuration and exposure of the website) that is carried out without authorization, will be an infringement of the current legislation on intellectual property.

In the event that the user is aware that the website shows illegal content, he must contact the winery through the ways set forth above, stating the facts. It must also be communicated if a violation of intellectual and industrial property right is perceived, with all the legitimate information of the owner.

DOMINIO ROMANO undertakes not to cause any damage to the company’s computer systems, nor to spread computer viruses that may cause damages to third parties.

5. Limitation of liabilities

The services offered on this website are informative and free. DOMINIO ROMANO provides for the good operation of the website, applying continuous and effective maintenance, while trying to keep the content properly updated. Even so, the absence of errors and the full updating of the content cannot be guaranteed.

DOMINIO ROMANO reserves all the rights to modify, limit or delete content from the website at any time, assuming no responsibility for its update.

The use that the user may make of the information contained on the page, as well as the use of DOMINIO ROMANO products, falls solely under the responsibility of the user. The company is not responsible, either directly or subsidiary, for any kind of content, information, communication, opinion or manifestation given by the user and that is communicated, disseminated, transmitted or exhibited through this site.

Additionally, DOMINIO ROMANO does not assume any responsibility for the damages that may occur in the user’s software or hardware derived from the access to this website. Moreover, DOMINIO ROMANO is not responsible for damages or prejudices caused by failures in the telecommunication networks that may cause the interruption, suspension or cancellation of the service.

6. Links policy

DOMINIO ROMANO assumes no responsibility for the information that may be given on third party websites, even though they are linked in some way to this website.

DOMINIO ROMANO also does not consent the inclusion of content to links to third parties that may prejudice its image. Moreover, those websites that would like to include official DOMINIO ROMANO content, must have prior and express consent from the winery. DOMINIO ROMANO also reserves the right to forbid, limit or demand the cancellation of these links, whenever it is convenient, without having to pay any type of compensation in that regard.

7. Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents, as well as trade names, brands, logos and signs contained in the website are registered and subject to DOMINIO ROMANO industrial and intellectual property rights. They are protected by law and DOMINIO ROMANO is the one who has exclusive exploitation rights.

In no case does the publication of content on the website imply the total or partial waiver, transmission or assignment of the aforementioned rights. Neither does it confer any right of copy, use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication without the prior and express authorization by the company as the legitimate owner.

Only the rights to view and make copies for personal use are considered, which must always be used in accordance with the principles of good faith and the applicable law.

If unauthorized use occurs, and infringement of intellectual property rights would be committed, which could trigger legal actions and assumption of responsibilities.

8. Data protection 

This website complies with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27th April of 2016, on the protection of natural persons (RGPD).

Read more about data collection and treatment in the data protection policy.

9. Applicable legislation

These General Conditions are ruled by the Spanish Law. Any controversy that may arise on the website with the content, products or services between DOMINIO ROMANO and the user or third parties, will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Valladolid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond.