The Climate of Ribera del Duero: Shaping the Character of Our Wines

Ribera del Duero is a land of contrasts shaped by a unique climate that leaves an indelible mark on our vineyards year after year, influencing the personality and character of our wines.

Located in the northern sub-plateau (Valley of the Duero River) within the northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula, Ribera del Duero is characterized by extreme climatic conditions that challenge the vines to express themselves fully.

Winters are long, harsh, and rigorous, with temperatures dropping to -20°C on the coldest nights. However, this winter adversity is a fundamental part of the equation that defines the quality and character of our wines. The low temperatures contribute to a deep rest period for the vines, strengthening their roots and preparing them to face the challenges of spring.

The Spring

With the arrival of the much-anticipated season, the landscape transforms, and the vineyards awaken from their winter dormancy. Spring arrives very late; until the beginning of May, the average temperature does not exceed 10 degrees Celsius, allowing the vineyard to bud. It is also the season that typically brings the most water to the area, vital for proper vegetative growth and to withstand the harsh summer conditions. However, spring has its own challenges: frosty nights can extend until the end of May, posing one of the area’s greatest climatic risks, the dreaded spring frosts which usually come once the vineyard has already budded. Almost every year, some areas are affected, and in some years, the impact can reach almost the entire area.

Summers in Ribera del Duero are hot and dry, with scorching days contrasted by cool nights. This marked temperature difference between day and night is essential for the development of grape clusters, promoting slow and balanced ripening that preserves the freshness and acidity in our wines.

The challenge and passion behind Ribera del Duero wines

The scarcity of rainfall, with barely 450mm per year, challenges our vines to seek moisture deep in the soil, forcing them to extend their roots in search of life. This effort to survive in what we could even call a hostile environment gives our grapes a concentration of flavors and aromas that speak of the untamed character of the land that sustains them. The climate demands a lot from us, and at the same time, it gives us everything.

Cultivating vines in Ribera del Duero is an act of bravery and passion, where man and nature come together in an eternal dance.

We work the vineyards respecting natural cycles and the peculiarities of the terroir. Every gesture, every decision made in the vineyard, is imbued with a profound respect for the land and the environment, a fundamental part of the family philosophy inherited from Grandfather Joan. That’s why, at Dominio Romano, we take pride in cultivating our vines sustainably and respecting our surroundings, organic certified since 2011. From pruning to harvest, every step of the winemaking process is carried out with the utmost care and attention to detail. Our commitment to ecology and environmental preservation is reflected in the quality and authenticity of our wines.

The essence of the weather
in Ribera del Duero

In summary, the climate of Ribera del Duero is a part of the soul of our vineyards, infusing life and character into every grape cluster. It is a constant reminder of the strength and beauty of nature, and a testament to the inseparable bond that connects man with the land that sustains him.